My personal Blog, with articles about Cloud, Docker, Kubernetes, Java and Golang
rmarcelloFollowAWS Certified Solutions Architect and SysOps Administrator with extensive experience in management, design, development of IT solutions.
From Microservices to Kubernetes with Quarkus (1/2)
After some days spent reading books about Microservices and Cloud Native I found in Quarkus an impressive stack to build Cloud Native Applications.
From web site, Quarkus is defined as “A Kubernetes Native Java stack tailored for OpenJDK HotSpot and GraalVM, crafted from the best of breed Java libraries and standards”.
In Quarkus the Cloud Native approach is crucial and it’s possible to build native container images that give the opportunity to reduce boot time, incredibly low RSS memory (not just heap size!) offering near instant scale up and high density memory utilization in container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes.
Quarkus provides a simple and fun to use, full-stack framework by leveraging a growing list of over fifty best-of-breed libraries.
The Quarkus programming model builds on top of proven standards such as dependency injection solution based on CDI, JAX-RS annotations to define the REST endpoints, JPA annotations to map your persistent entities and JTA annotations to declare the transaction boundaries, Eclipse MicroProfile to configure and monitor your application, Vert.x, Apache Camel and much more.
This article is the first in a series of articles in which we will see from the developer’s point of view how to develop using Quarkus a microservices-based application from scratch to deploy in kubernetes.
The application proposed is a simple use case of a web application for the management of events related to concerts that I have called “starevent”.
Development code is publicly available from github repository: The development has been divided into branches each article has its own branch, this article has the “b1.0-rest” as it will address the development of the basic architecture, the REST services and an example of web application that will be used as a frontend. The github code for this article is at the repository:
Application design
The application is a simplified version of an event booking system. Let’s imagine we want to book a ticket for a concert, we would like to visit a website, see the concert list, choose our concert and reserve a ticket.
We can identify two types of users:
Admin: manages the available events
Customer: consult the events and buy tickets.
The application could be composed of two microservices that act as backend and deal respectively with the management of events and reservations. Furthermore, to complete the example, we can also provide a frontend to use the entire application.
The above diagram shows the component names and expected interactions.
“starevent-event” provides services for event management (Create, Read, Update, and Delete)
“starevent-reservation” provides services for consulting reservations and creating new reservations by interacting with “starevent-event” to decrease the availability of seats in the event.
“starevent-frontend” uses the services exposed by both backend services.
There are no database interactions in the diagram as they will be implemented in the next article.
Project creation
Each microservice must be independent from the others so they can be seen as separate entities. It must be possible at any time to replace each microservice with a new implementation in another language, with another version of the libraries as long as the communication protocol is respected.
Quarkus is fully integrated with Maven and Gradle and provides a number of plugins that help the developer in all stages of development. This article will be based on Maven.
Using the “quarkus-maven-plugin” the developer have opportunity to start the development from a initialized project structure. Let’s create the maven project for our designed components:
Notice that the Quarkus version used for this example will be 1.10.5.Final as it is the latest version available at this time.
Furthermore, according to the commands defined above, the starevent-event and starevent-reservation projects use the “resteasy-jsonb” extension as we need to implement the two REST services:
/api/events implemented by the EventResource class
/api/reservation implemented by the ReservationResource class.
Finally the maven project starevent-frontend use the “resteasy-qute” extension that is a template engine designed specifically to meet the Quarkus needs. It’s still in experimental mode but for this use case can be a good opportunity to test it.
This is the funniest part. Quarkus provides a mode called “live coding” that allows you to start the application using the command:
and every code change will be quickly be ready in the application without need to manually rebuild the application. This feature is one of the most popular as it allows you to optimize development times.
Configuration files
By default, Quarkus reads the file from the folder “src/main/resources/”. We can use this file to configure quarqus libraries and for our application properties.
If we start more than one poject with default configurations we could get an error because the Quarkus defaul listening port is 8080.
For this reason we must define the listening port of each service. We can choose the following ports:
starevent-frontend: 8080
starevent-event: 8081
starevent-reservation: 8082
In addition we will enable CORS in this way the frontend can access the services content from different domain.
We can change this configuration modifying the file.
the starevent-event file
the starevent-reservation file
we don’t need changes in starevent-frontend file because will start on default port.
The EventResource class
Let’s start defining the implementation of the EventResource class. It implements all the services related to the “event” resource.
The source code starts specifing that it consumes requests and produce responses using json format for the path “/api/events”. Behind the scenes Quarkus implements this job using the resteasy-jsonb libraries that we specified as extension during project creation.
Inside the class, we can see that it uses the injected instance of EventService class. In this way there’s a separation between REST service and business logic.
The Event class
Is a simple Pojo object that will be used by Jsonb to serialize and deserialize the request and the respones of the Rest service and will be stored by the EventService. It contains all the information of an Event and some annotations that can be used by quarkus-hibernate-validator to validate the bean.
The EventService class
The EventService represents the logic of the rest service, it does the dirty job.
For this article it was chosen to leave the implementation as simple as possible and to avoid adding the interaction with the database to facilitate understanding of the CDI and REST services. There’s no database and the data will be keep in memory using a simple HashMap.
The @ApplicationScoped annotation that tell to Quarkus that can use this bean for CDI.
Test the EventResource
There are two main method for test an API using Quarkus.
The first is to run the application and invoke the service using “curl command” during live coding:
The second way to test the REST API is to develop a JUnit test suite. It will be executed always during during maven builds.
Quarkus support JUnit 5 and is very simple to implement tests, define mocks using CDI and verify the the HTTP response.
The following example use the library rest-assured:
The ReservationResource class
The ReservationResource implements all the services related to the “reservation” resource.
The source code specify that the service will listen on path “/api/reservation” and use an injected instance of ReservationService class that implements the business logic.
The ReservationService class
The ReservationService implements the logic of the reservation and it have a dipendency on EventResource. For this reason, it needs to inject an instance of EventsProxy to use as rest client of event resource.
The EventsProxy class
The EventsProxy is the rest client of event resource. In Quarkus is very simple to to create a Microprofile rest client using @RegisterRestClient. It need to implement a java interface and uses the same annotations defined in the EventResource class.
The starevent-frontend
The starevent-frontend is a web application developed using the Qute extension. Qute is a templating engine that make web development very fast in Quarkus, it provides API that combines both the imperative and the non-blocking reactive style of coding.
The development is very easy, I defined a Resource that maps three http path each one use a different template:
”/”: map the index page
“/moreinfo”: map the more info page
“/reserve”: map the reservation page.
Every time that a page is requested, the Resource invoke the client and render the result using the template.
If we open a browser and visit we will see the frontend application, we can view all the availabe events, discover details and reserve a ticket:
Now that the development is completed we can think on how to run the entire application in an environment ready for production.
When we created the projects with io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin, Maven created automatically the folder “/src/main/docker” that contains three files:
Dockerfile.jvm: builds a container that runs the Quarkus application in JVM mode builds a container that runs the Quarkus application in JVM mode with some optimizations for faster boot
Dockerfile.native: builds a container that runs the Quarkus application in native (no JVM) mode.
You can execute manually this dockerfiles choosing the preferred version.
An alternative way to build the images is to use the Quarkus “container-image-docker” extension. We need to add inside our pom the extension dependency:
If you want to choose the package type, you can set the property inside the If not defined, by default the value is “jar”.
To be sure of image group and tag to use we should define it inside otherwise by default the created image will have the os user as group and the pom version as tag.
Now we are ready, we can launch the maven build:
Repeating this command for each project you should see the images:
This means that our images are ready and we can test everything on Docker!!!
Let’s create a docker-compose.yaml:
Notice the definition of three services, for each one the image, the port mapping, the dependency (useful for start order) and the environment variables for REST Clients.
From the same folder of the yaml file, start docker compose:
After few seconds the images are up, infact my docker says that is all up and running:
We can do our test and when we finish we stop everything, we can stop everything
Finally can be usefull when we need to deploy this application non-locally for example on a Kubernetes cluster, to push the image to the docker registry:
I already did it:
This means that you can launch directly the docker compose file inside a configured docker environment to test the application.
If you don’t have a Docker installed I suggest you to try PLAY WITH DOCKER, copy the docker compose and try it.
As promised, we will deploy this application on Kubernetes. As developers, typically we need to write long and difficult yaml descriptors. However it is very simple using the Kubernetes Quarkus extension.
First of all let’s add this dependency inside the pom of each maven project.
By adding these dependencies, Quarkus will automatically generate Kubernetes manifests (in yaml and json format) each time we perform a build in the target/kubernetes/ directory.
This will generate three “kubernetes.yml” files that we can use as template for our deployment. Each generated yaml file have a deployment and a service object.
We can start from that file, add or modify some informations as we like, for example we can add some labels or annotations and don’t forget to setup the environment variable that we must specify to configure the rest clients.
The following is my application.yaml file:
Notice the definition of three Deployments and three Services. The service act as Load Balancer for HTTP Clients in this way each deployment can tranparently scale with multiple replica.
Now that we have defined the kubernetes manifest for the entire application, we can apply it to kubernetes:
Notice that three pods, three deployments and three services have been created.
For the starevent-frontend I modified the type choosing “LoadBalancer” that give me the opportunity to test the frontend application directly from localhost:8080.
When you have finished you can clean it using the following command:
I think Quarkus is a great Java stack to produce Cloud Native application with extreme speed and simplicity. It helps developers to produce cutting-edge solutions quickly. I really appreciated the live coding feature and the existence of the many extensions and plug-ins that solve the most common problems in an elegant way. I really liked the Cloud Native orientation with the possibility to create native builds, optimize the time and memory used and facilitate integration with Docker and Kubernetes.